Sunday, April 19, 2020

Shaped Breath

Exalt salt. Assemble. Conceit what I puddle to moisten a persuasion. Ooze space. Geographical clapboard. Tickle. We are what our autumn plucks. Paint friction. Jars. I differ a metaphorical bubble. Shaped breath. Perforated eyes. Adhere. My puddle trickles the bumps. Modification stirs. Plays. My chain frames a bomb. Energy glues. Speculate thwack. Churn. A seashore roars a firmament. Hanging Cézanne. Guide mask. Sweat. If inquiry bends the spirit. Grip airplanes. Entwine black. Decipher. Push the wash beneath water. Gantry glow. Rapier tray. Pepper. The branches flex our ears. Tease our abandon. Brass anguish. Fiction. Faith in a morning passion. Guitar forks. Physiology glide. Simples. Lament a rag into ploughs. Staunched nails. Vowels initiated in pulse.
Soubriquet flex fountain. Pavement. Death discusses swimming. My chrome fork glides. My spoon too. Splash. Aggressively brushes morning. We drool bone pipes. Flow your puddle. Summer. Your initiated penumbra. We heave its pamphlets. Hurled at embarkment. An extended slam. Doing. The migrations chronicled. Eczema crashes into cardboard. Gifts before dreams. Flirtation. I examine mushrooms. If meditation soothes stone. Rags fall teeming. Quickened. Glow a thumb. Ape in an elevator. Actions we might take. Smears we deconstruct. Sigh. Simple pepper recipes. Enchanted pair of surgical gloves.
Sugar shouts my perfect jelly. Extravagant theorems. Honors turn beneath flying. It sews imagery. A seashore bends our pepper. Magisterial dangle. Granite prophesizes my age. Illusions chronicle belief. A sternum grabs that mask. Spirit depth. Summer is doing this. The door slams. Our impenetrable recruitment carries it. Slender dream. Teases the crack bomb. What expands animals? My cough flutters at declension. Firmament yells. My pigment hurls Technicolor. Sensation peppers rock. We feel an erratic floor. Caustic heave. Heaven through murmured secretion. I blurt bombard. Rack the scratched present pickle.
Sweat. Generate parakeets. Spout a passion. Cuff links show a dazzle. Escape. Carve Pennsylvania. Coffee abandons complacency. Reticence flows through philodendrons. Mushrooms. Catalogue steam. Bingo embellishes the stove. Roars. Face job. Dig the environment. A congenial red sleep. Greed. Phonograph salvation. Robins by Cézanne. Meditate while sobbing fruit. Imponderable. Grebe fall. Hills of stars. Chronologically long steep extension. Dots. Elevator cringe. Glazed ghost joke. Energy crashing through books.

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