Saturday, February 9, 2019

Balance Sheet

what happens when capitalism
butts into reality
i.e. a finite world
that doesn’t allow infinite speculation

to occur. Money
goes out the window
each word has the heft of a gamble
as our supplies begin

to dwindle. This is not what I had in mind
when I was in my 20s and dreamed
the clacking of a spoon on a ceramic plate
after feeding the cat

God knows what. If that’s what radical
means then call me a radical
music is open to everything
which is why I keep falling in love
despite what appears to be

a horrifying future
of cannibalistic zombies
a woman in a dark mood
sits by a cash register
at La Grande Épicerie de Paris
following a homeless woman
in line dragging a urine
soaked blanket. Yes capitalism

is strange. It’s a pathology
nineteen agitated alligators in a ditch
electricity, running water, health
all cost money
and that’s what makes it
evil. Philosophy

swims in my head like a whale
call it phenomenology
or southern rock I don’t care

our immersion in life
shouldn’t require money
but it does. And for that
the oligarchy has arranged jobs
education and debt
peonage. Hurray
for pizza. I wish the super bowl
would go fuck itself 

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