Friday, April 22, 2022

Things That Bother Me

There are things that bother me that don’t bother other people. And there are things that bother other people that don’t bother me. And a lot of what bothers me is irrational and has little to no basis in reality. Therefore, when I see people get bothered by things that seem irrational to me, I understand it. Or try to understand it. And when I see people unbothered by things that bother me this does bother me a little. It depends. Climate change is a big one. People who aren’t bothered by climate change (intensified floods, hurricanes, tornados, droughts, wild fires, the loss of biological diversity) bother me. But this is rational. According to who? According to science. And guess what. There are people who don’t believe in science. Which is a little simplistic. It’s a little more complicated than that. I shall rephrase my position. There are people who mistrust science because science has sacrificed its objectivity to the corrupting influence of money and conflict of interest, particularly when corporations fund the experiments scientists conduct, and expect a result that’s favorable to their profits. And yes. There are people who flat out don’t believe in science. Because scientists themselves are notoriously mystified by the universe. And because the poetry of the bible provides the basis for all questions regarding the origin and conduct of the universe. I like poetry. I read it and write it and love it. I do. And I love the poetry of the bible. But to believe that the goings on in the bible are fundamentally true is to destroy the poetry and replace it with dogma. Dumb dogma. All dogma is dumb. And this bothers me.

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