Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Words Are The Clay With Which We Sculpt Our Day


Words are the clay with which we sculpt our day it’s the virtue of writing which undoes abstract categories and brings back incarnation flowers on the prairie where the June bugs zoom the exercise of sensitivity is work but it’s work that gives value to our existence you can buy a flame-throwing robot dog for under $10,000 dollars or imitate a glow this pretzel must be eaten

I like staying in hotels motels too especially the ones surrounded by desolation histamine is a chemical created in the body that is released by white blood cells into the bloodstream when the immune system is defending against a potential allergen I will secure my equipment as I rise in my balloon at least half of my life has taken place in books

I found myself in a junkyard allegory gassing a ’55 Buick with a rearview mirror framed in pearls the movement of the sentence is accomplished by alternate contractions of the syntax the harnessed mind opens an umbrella the volume is determined by using adverbs and everything feels sweetly unemployable I feel like an octopus in an underwater maze I wear glasses I realize it now I see in the ancient bones of the Badlands my brain is hungry for roses

Ears and eardrums are not a prerequisite to detect sound frequency the words of the song persuade the pitch to assume a greater load it’s possible to change your everyday consciousness so that you feel yourself as something the universe is doing chuckled Alan Watts the temperature on Pluto is -387℉ singing helps me piss in this way the attention functions allow for more efficient processing of myriad auditory inputs from various streams show called The Behavior what the fuck is that

I remember one night in Sedona when Max Ernst rode into town on a gigantic Sonoran desert toad and ordered a gin and tonic at Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Saloon it seemed natural to go up and clap hands and have us some talk and some laughs and get to know one another but when I extended my hand everything flipped Max Ernst was the gigantic Sonoran desert toad and the man riding on his back was a lowland homunculus named Popcorn

I write like this whenever I’m feeling chewed up and non-specific small courtesies are as obsolete as antimacassars steel strings metal flutes valves on trumpets I adapted my strumming so that it made people jump up and down I imagined one day I would have the opportunity to play a set of cloud chamber bowls with the Rolling Stones the world’s heaviest emotion is optimism what’s your favorite drink mine is popped manacle the world’s lightest emotion is self-satisfaction limousine crickets the six quark flavors can be grouped in three pairs up and down charm and strange and top and bottom

Our panic is painted with pepper spray the sip is its own experience when the upstairs neighbor is gone the silence is so heavenly that I don’t want to limit it to my ears but take it in with my skin arteries veins capillaries and lymphatics this isn’t surrealism this is milkweed the proteins in solution in the blood have many important functions if nothing matters everything matters the metaphor must be pliable it must not be uniform or unvarying it might resemble ibis it might resemble rebellion bacteria fungi and archaea that are referred to as extremophiles hibachi caboose bones or just plain pewter

My flower includes a willow something Gertrude Stein might say above a landfill frequented by exposure democracy is deader than a roadkill opossum

I’m surrounded by phantoms if a flash of light stiffens on the raspberry the bet is stable soon the Thunder will be playing in a new billion dollar arena I get attached easily when the world is good feliz Dia dos namoradas Happy Valentine’s Day in Portuguese my mouth probes the language so that it activates a gate or a door a Boeing plane makes an emergency landing in New York after the exit slide fell off or should I say slid off Gleðilegan Valentínusardag Happy Valentine’s Day in Icelandic there’s a muscle over what medicine calls a clench it moves by waves of alternating contraction and relaxation

I like to splash around in a river when existence feels pleasant the esophagus is a tube ten inches long different images can awaken new emotions within us an aircraft in straight and level flight is acted upon by four forces lift gravity thrust and drag we are made of this image factory and called to create meaning like Pollock moving around a canvas on the floor dripping paint with artful consideration in his dancelike movements of creating a controlled accident it gets me through the day

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