Sunday, August 5, 2018

The Wildness Of Spoons

Wash the locomotive in Anchorage. Power the rattan in plywood. Hum pounds of gluttonous learning. My wallet extrudes flowers. Interior abstractions hustle my face to you. I’m the chowder inside the drum. Enrich the paraffin by incursion. Dachshund jar of adjectives. Harden the tumble taxi. Skim the abandoned steam. Throw and emerge and verify. Butter the nascent dream. Manipulate the crackle cream. Elegance sends its assembly. The myth of the jug stove is available to you in indiscriminate octaves. The moon rises congenial as papier collĂ©. I mourn the wrap club. The sophisticated skidoodle dump. Shiver the slouch paint. I ship my mark in drops. I exclaim a public crack. My map explains the trek by pylons and cups. I spin the weather and burst. Choke and squeeze the strings to a resonance that we can remember. I need to feel to fit you. I grasp the hammer to amplify the probability of bolts. Tangle the details in glaze. Attract a climate and give it to a saga. Soliciting secretes you into building an argument and pioneering the new despair. Are you ready for the Hinduism ablution drill? I embark in chains and squirt. The red soubriquet velvet is my gift to translucence. I’m suitably clumsy and soothed by intercourse. The boat ripples with hunger. Pound the dollars into purchase. Events are the narrative stream. A block of power crashes through itself. The stimulus that is algebra has been approved by epoxy. Maturity grumbles in its pronouns. The buffalo are pungent and their poetry is flaming. I’m focused on a naked crowd of grass. I believe in the wildness of spoons. A whisper emerges and cuts the air into consonants. Vowels move them into fact. 

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