Thursday, September 17, 2020

Zero-G Among The Wampanoag



I grab a chisel and begin carving a harp out of the air I remember the smell of the dry summer air one year in Idaho “Heart of Glass” outside of Boise a small nook with a captain’s table in Big Sur I nudge Stevie Ray Vaughn who plays with total absorption in Tokyo 1985 the year CDs were first introduced

A middle-aged couple bicycling on a city street riding along slowly leisurely not a care in the world while blocking a line of traffic ascension flourishes in my hair take it to the limit one last time when was the last time you woke up in the morning without a worry shit I don’t have a single memory of that I must’ve been in my 20s if that ever happened I do remember waking up with massive hard-ons that lasted so long I had a hard time getting my pants on

I’m trying to achieve a Zero-G experience with language the Wampanoag language isn’t dead it walks among us it’s like having a conversation with the universe the spirit finds its true reality on condition of experiencing heartache

The strong odor of manure hits us at the other end of the McGraw Street Bridge that crosses Wolf Creek Ravine the movers spread jam and butter on their toast and talk of Hollywood the unconscious walks around in my head like a weekend

In Barcelona machine guns barbed wire tanks grenades and muddy trenches created Dada

A sperm whale rises from the deep and shows his head above the water in time to see a ship pass through solitary regions a theocracy dripping diamonds I remember drinking tea with Philip Lamantia and talking about hypnopompic states as described by Poe let’s occupy space like we occupy time one word follows another until a chain creates its own kind of logic the dishwasher rumbles upstairs the vacuum cleaner persists under the impetus of its suction when dogs are in a movie do they know that they’re in a movie

I’ve been darting back and forth between the dentist and the orthodontist like a ping pong ball due to a failed implant and trying to figure out how to salvage it too late it’s gone now I’m looking at a denture there are no moral phenomena there are only moral interpretations of phenomena and the entire drama plays out on the plains of Mars

I believe that the universe is one Being the preference of listening to rain rather than rock on YouTube is a gift from the venerable forests of chance Tor House stands alone on a barren bluff

Christianity is an advertisement for heaven Simply Red played three very special performances at the Ziggo Dome of Amsterdam accompanied by forty musicians all of its parts are expressions of the same energy vaccines are in development at the end of the American Dream

I watch Le Journal de Vingt Heures which is presented by Anne-Sophie Lapix a hint of breast under a blue shirt a reassuring sight amid so much planetary catastrophe plague and wildfire help help I’m in the wrong story and I’m trying to escape

The stairs lead up to a marble floor no one is immune to greed does online babysitting work I would say probably but I’m not a baby I’m a man aging at the beginning of a century which is already twenty years old and not a baby anymore

The president behaves as if he had a penis the size of Great Britain succulents bloom on rock walls but the perversity of even this pleasure doesn’t quite reach the depths of existence I’m attempting to display the image is a pure creation of the mind everything is in chaos there’s nothing symbolic about a slap

Language can alter perception but it can’t make granite more granite or oak less oak or maple apple or apple maple bits of black glass sprinkled on the street by a red Ford Ram 4-by-4 caterpillars are destroying the trees of Siberia where is Superman

The world is a room of silence and shadow and a room of noise and light today I gave birth to a nine pound sentence wind ruffling the pages of a car manual splayed on the ground in the middle of the street the news is bloody water wars famines heat death refugees turned away from closed borders but the presenters are cheerful and pretty a mass of wildfire smoke from Oregon and California is darkening Washington’s skies all the way to Alberta and then one day you discover that you’re an old man or an old woman and all that matters anymore is the relentless ache of the heart

Surrealism is a tattoo on the skin of reality rapacity and ego have led to our demise go impregnate the peony with the patina of patience our planet is dying I try to create a sensation of awakening put me on the highway and show me a sign thank you Randy Meisner snap that song at the ceiling the natural property of a wing is to carry what is heavy upward

Mushroom soup in a bronze tureen have you ever been able to smell anything in a dream this phenomenon is the magical power of converting the negative into being pyromaniacs smuggling Dada pamphlets into the dark recesses of capitalism

Space is space but I can’t write space into existence or cook it on a stove or wear it but I can walk around in it with an ancient key and the heat of the sun on my face in a foreign land

Perspective is often the result of a sudden diversion I remember the night an owl flew in front of me as I crossed the bridge over Wolf Creek Ravine the trombone is unique in that it can slide from note to note without interruption I can’t write anything without a conversation with someone’s guitar how can I die when my piss is warm is consciousness the epiphenomenon of a biological organism or is it something separate with nothing empirical about it tubes and wires running in and out of the veins in poetry language and magic find their power the flight of birds the resolution of these two states dream and reality into a kind of reality a surreality this morning I took the cinnamon rolls out of the freezer which were wrapped in cellophane I pulled the rubber band off the package and the rubber band twisted around the counter like something alive and it occurred to me that the border between the organic and inorganic is a lot thinner than we believe tiny molecules of phosphine in the atmosphere of Venus may be the first sign of life outside planet Earth bacteria produce phosphine which has the smell of rotting fish all molecules rotate vibrate interact with light and absorb light and produce light and that’s what makes up consciousness words spinning in speech mermaids flowing from a spigot of the imagination



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